Spiritual Direction with our Pastor

“The place where God calls you to is the place where your deep gladness and the world’s deep hunger meet.”

~ Frederick Buechner

Spiritual Direction (also called Spiritual Formation, Spiritual Life Counseling, Spiritual Friendship, Faith Care, and Compassionate Listening) is a process of working one-on-one with another person to find a deeper intimacy with God and a greater connection to one’s own sacred nature.


Along with Compassionate Listening I utilize Queries, open-ended questions that provide plenty of relevant and constructive food for thought and room for personal spiritual growth. These questions are an ideal focal point for meditation, prayer or journaling. There is no judgment or agenda: I simply hold open the doors to wholeness, self-acceptance and understanding that are already right there in front of you!

This work occurs in monthly one-to-one sessions. Let’s sit together and share your questions and experiences of what you find meaningful – and what you find puzzling. Speak your mind, speak what’s on your heart – I’m here to listen and accompany you on your journey back to your authentic, sacred self. Learn to make space for God in your life. Your life will never be the same, and you’ll know that it was your own heart and your own devotion that brought you back to the Divine that dwells within your true, authentic self.

Rev. Jack Cuffari


My approach to Spiritual Life Counseling is based on the Quaker model, which is called “Compassionate Listening”. By practicing active, compassionate listening I am able to be a companion on your spiritual journey to wholeness and acceptedness. I have been doing this work for nearly 20 years, starting as an Ordained Elder in the Presbyterian Church USA, and then as a Compassionate Listener within the regional Quaker community, and as both an ordained Interspiritual Minister and UCC Minister.